Tuesday 7 February 2012

Alter Your Acne Problems

Acne vulgaris
Image via Wikipedia
One of those dreaded 4-letter words is acne because it often calls to mind dreaded terms like: zits, pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, blemishes, clogged pores and unsightly skin. However, dreaded doesn’t have to mean hopeless, because there is hope.

Main causes of acne are known and often easily treatable. For example, blemishes often appear because of body chemistry changes during teen years, menstrual cycles and menopause. Other reasons are frequently due to too much bacteria clogging pores and over scrubbing of face to rid it of acne.

Treatments include over the counter anti-acne over-the-counter solutions, prescription drugs and natural remedies. Some popular actions to take right away at home are:

  1. Get an exfoliating cleanser and some anti-acne soap from the local drugstore or supermarket and wash your face gently with them every day. For best results, wash as soon as you get up in the morning and right before you go to bed at night. And do not squeeze pimples.

  1. Get an anti-acne facial mask at the drugstore or find a honey facial mask, for the disinfecting and healing qualities. Use the mask up to two times a week.

  1. Check with your healthcare provider about adding a multivitamin to your daily routine and a chromium supplement.

  1. Keep hair back and away from your face, especially your forehead.

  1. Drink plenty of liquids daily; eight glasses of water is recommended most. And eat foods rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A to help with skin repair like carrots.

  1. Avoid putting makeup, paints, etc. on your face, unless they are water soluble or marked as noncomedogenic types – and even then, go very light. And use a fresh, clean pillow case every day.

  1. If you go out in the sun, apply a minimal sunscreen with SPF 15. And when possible, choose one that’s a noncomedogenic or nonacnegenic type so it doesn’t clog pores. Add a hat and sunglasses. And skip tanning beds.

Also in order to clear acne, it helps to clear up acne rumors. Here are some popular issues to clear up:

  • Greasy foods, stress and chocolates can cause and increase acne problems. This is a myth. There is no scientific connection here between these elements.
  • Squeezing your pimples can help get rid of them. This is also untrue. Squeezing can actually make matters worse, forcing infection further below the skin’s surface and can even cause scarring.
  • Being out in the sun can help dry up acne. This is not true. Too much sun can actually make things worse, adding dryness and irritation to your skin, not to mention wrinkles and skin cancer later in life.

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