Monday, 22 September 2008

Declaration of Principles...

Journal of Business Ethics
Declaration of Principles...
Code of Ethics  Aims,
At Desires into Gold.

Although the American people already enjoy the highest standard of living in the whole world we are not satisfied with this standard and we propose to describe how we believe it can be raised still higher. You will see how you too can contribute to improving your National way of life and indeed the lives of All with whom you form close ties.
Persistence may be compared to the dropping of water,which finally wears away the hardest stone.
When the final chapter of your life shall have been completed it will be found that your persistence, or the lack of this sterling quality,played an important part in either your success or failure.
-Shahbaz Alexis aka-"The Cat In That Hat"

( Don't Ever Say It Can't Be Done ! )

Supplementary Information:

The Bible and Business
The Bible also has its own code of business ethics. While it acknowledges that dishonest people may seem to prosper, it still urges us to stay honest. (Psalm 73:1-28) “Two sorts of weights [an accurate one for buying and an inaccurate, dishonest one for selling] and two sorts of ephah measures—they are both of them together something detestable to Jehovah.” (Proverbs 20:10) Jehovah’s Witnesses thus steer clear of shady business tactics.
True, a Christian may encounter inconveniences in doing so. It may be difficult for him to compete with less scrupulous businessmen. Others may think his honesty strange, even foolish, but he maintains a good conscience—something more valuable than money. He has peace of mind and can enjoy a good night’s sleep. He is not tormented by a gnawing fear of being caught and punished for dishonesty.—Compare Proverbs 3:21-26.
Furthermore, many Witnesses have found that one can uphold Bible morality and do well financially. An honest person often gains the confidence of employees, customers, suppliers, and creditors. This can work to his advantage.

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