"I wish to be of service to my fellow men as I journey through life. To do this I have adopted this creed as a guide to be followed in dealing with my fellow-beings.
To train myself so that never under any circumstances, will I find fault with any person, no matter how much I may disagree with him or how inferior his work may be, as long as I know he is sincerely trying to do his best.
To Always have respect for my country, my profession and myself. To be honest and fair with my fellow men, as I expect them to be honest and fair with me.
To always be a loyal citizen of my country, to speak of it with praise, when I travel. Also to act always as a worthy custodian of it's good name. To be a person whose name carries weight wherever it goes? To base my expectations of reward on a solid foundation of services rendered.
To be willing to pay the price of success, in honest effort. To look upon my work as an opportunity to be seized with joy and made the most of and not as a painful drudgery to be reluctantly endured.
To remember that success lies within me, in my own brain. To expect difficulties and to force my way through them.
To avoid procrastination in all its forms and to never under any circumstances put off until tomorrow any duty that should be performed today.
Finally, to take a good grip on the joys of life, so I may be courteous to men, faithful to friends true to God – a fragrance in the path I tread."
Shahbaz Alexis aka-"The Cat In That Hat"
Victim Of Anti-Social Behavior and Racism
Sept 2004- April 2009
Author Of The First Ever Practical Blue Print Of
"How To Overcome Anti-Social Behavior."
Also The Following E-Books;
The Most Devastating Human Interest Story In Thirty Years
Anti-Social Behavior Is A Disease .
Against All Forms Of Oppression
Grounds For My Defence
Supplementary Information:
Your Choice of Principles
ARE you a person of principle? Or do you consider ethics to be a bit old-fashioned? The fact is, everyone is guided by principles of some sort, which he or she believes are important. According to The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, a principle can be defined as “a personal code of right action.” Principles influence our decisions and determine the direction we take in life. Principles can act like a compass.
For instance, Jesus urged his followers to keep the Golden Rule, found at Matthew 7:12: “All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them.” Followers of Confucius observe the principles of li and jen, which address such qualities as kindness, humility, respect, and loyalty. Even people who are not religious have some priorities or guidelines that determine their conduct.
Principles of What Sort?
We do well to bear in mind, however, that principles may be either good or bad. For example, an increasing number of people are motivated by what, for the last decade or so, has been identified as me-ism. Though many may not know the term or may feel that it does not apply to them, me-ism is a principle by default, that is, a code of conduct that many resort to as they abandon high standards of behavior. Whether identified by that term or not, me-ism is a manifestation of selfishness, often accompanied by mindless materialism. “We have just two principles,” claimed a TV executive in China. “One is satisfying demand. The other is making money.”
Me-ism can act like a magnet. And how does a magnet affect a compass? When the two are side by side, the compass needle gets misdirected. In the same way, me-ism can throw a person’s moral compass, or code of right behavior, into confusion by making everything subordinate to the desires of the person.
Would it surprise you to learn that me-ism is not a modern phenomenon? This approach to life found its origin in the garden of Eden when our first parents abandoned the standard of behavior laid down by our Creator. That altered their moral compass. As descendants of Adam and Eve, humans are troubled with the same approach to life, more recently labeled “me-ism.”—Genesis 3:6-8, 12.
The spread of that attitude is particularly observable during what Bible prophecy calls “the last days,” marked by “critical times hard to deal with.” Many people are “lovers of themselves.” Small wonder that we find ourselves under pressure to copy the me-first approach.—2 Timothy 3:1-5.
Perhaps you find yourself agreeing with a youth named Olaf who wrote to a European branch of Jehovah’s Witnesses: “It is very hard to remain morally upright, especially for us young ones. Please keep reminding us of the necessity to stick to Bible principles.”
Olaf reflected a perceptive view. Godly principles can help us—young or old—to keep to high standards of behavior. They can also enable us to resist me-ism, whether labeled that or not.
Supplementary Information:
Your Choice of Principles
ARE you a person of principle? Or do you consider ethics to be a bit old-fashioned? The fact is, everyone is guided by principles of some sort, which he or she believes are important. According to The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, a principle can be defined as “a personal code of right action.” Principles influence our decisions and determine the direction we take in life. Principles can act like a compass.
For instance, Jesus urged his followers to keep the Golden Rule, found at Matthew 7:12: “All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them.” Followers of Confucius observe the principles of li and jen, which address such qualities as kindness, humility, respect, and loyalty. Even people who are not religious have some priorities or guidelines that determine their conduct.
Principles of What Sort?
We do well to bear in mind, however, that principles may be either good or bad. For example, an increasing number of people are motivated by what, for the last decade or so, has been identified as me-ism. Though many may not know the term or may feel that it does not apply to them, me-ism is a principle by default, that is, a code of conduct that many resort to as they abandon high standards of behavior. Whether identified by that term or not, me-ism is a manifestation of selfishness, often accompanied by mindless materialism. “We have just two principles,” claimed a TV executive in China. “One is satisfying demand. The other is making money.”
Me-ism can act like a magnet. And how does a magnet affect a compass? When the two are side by side, the compass needle gets misdirected. In the same way, me-ism can throw a person’s moral compass, or code of right behavior, into confusion by making everything subordinate to the desires of the person.
Would it surprise you to learn that me-ism is not a modern phenomenon? This approach to life found its origin in the garden of Eden when our first parents abandoned the standard of behavior laid down by our Creator. That altered their moral compass. As descendants of Adam and Eve, humans are troubled with the same approach to life, more recently labeled “me-ism.”—Genesis 3:6-8, 12.
The spread of that attitude is particularly observable during what Bible prophecy calls “the last days,” marked by “critical times hard to deal with.” Many people are “lovers of themselves.” Small wonder that we find ourselves under pressure to copy the me-first approach.—2 Timothy 3:1-5.
Perhaps you find yourself agreeing with a youth named Olaf who wrote to a European branch of Jehovah’s Witnesses: “It is very hard to remain morally upright, especially for us young ones. Please keep reminding us of the necessity to stick to Bible principles.”
Olaf reflected a perceptive view. Godly principles can help us—young or old—to keep to high standards of behavior. They can also enable us to resist me-ism, whether labeled that or not.
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