"This Message Goes Out To All In My Team!"
Welcome To My World, All May Come In.
You Don't Need A Passport A Visa Or Gin.
There Are Many Tales of Misfortune and Woe
And Yes, A Lot Of So Called, I told you so!
For Inside My World, Fortune And Fame Are Sought.
Therefore, Every Now And Then You May Hear the Cries,
Damn! ... That's not what I Bought!
You See, Only the Brave and Determine Will Out.
You Must Go Suited and Booted Thru-Out.
This Is the Internet at its Finest My Friend,
Look Over There; I See Hope And Faith Just Around The Bend.
Take a Hold of My Hand and I'll Guide you through the Rough.
We Are Almost There Now, It Wasn't That Tough!
Be Steadfast and Bold, Is All I Suggest,
Because In The Final Analysis You Know You Did Your Best!
Be Honest and Truthful and Do As I Do,
Then Nothing Can Stop You and Your Desires Will Come True.
"The Cat"
Watch DAVID RONALD SEAL IS A ÂœPOLICE INFORMER in News | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
Can you imagine, going to work on only two and a half hours sleep?
Can you imagine, the reason being that your neighbour had friends over and they insisted on playing bongo drums amplifying their guitars and screaming at the top of their voices “We will we will rock you!” 'til
3 o'clock in the morning? You look up and find your light fittings moving thru 180 degrees above the heads of yourself and your partner. It's at that moment you realize he and his friends are literally jumping off a stage he had built in his living room,in the apartment above you. Can you imagine how that feels?
Over a five and a half year period this happens every night,you are flooded thirteen times and never receive an apology. You complain to to local housing office, who tell you ,you live in an inner city estate, “so live with it!” You contact the police and ask for assistance over one hundred times and they do nothing but say, you are “over reacting”.You send emails to every member of parliament,only to be told protocol,they can't or wont do anything,sorry!
So record everything, you present the evidence to the powers that be and they say, it's not enough evidence, so you publish it all on the Internet. In other words you “Name and Shame” just like the Police do, just like the Newspapers do and what happens?
You get arrested nine times over eighteen months,you are paraded in front of magistrates and judges to be told that you are intolerant, your behaviour is unreasonable and because you can string more than a few sentences together you are pedantic. You lose your job, your health deteriorates to to point where, when you go to the toilet you shit blood !
You can't tell your story because you are told over and over that it is harassment. The videos that you took and the vicious racial abuse that you recorded are uploaded to the internet and they accuse you of harassing the person who has been harassing you for five and a half years. What is the final outcome you're wondering? They re-house him give him a beautiful new apartment and guess what they increase his benefits. The victim gets a criminal record, all he wanted to do was to live in peace. Can you believe this story? Is it fact or fiction?
Shahbaz Alexis Esq.aka-"The Cat In That Hat"
Victim Of Anti-Social Behaviour and Racism
Sept 2004- April 2009
Author Of The First Ever Practical BluePrint Of
"How To Overcome Anti-Social Behaviour."
Also The Following E-Books;
The Most Devastating Human Interest Story In Thirty Years
Anti-SocialBehaviour Is A Disease .
Against All Forms Of Oppression
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